Is your computer having start-up issues, constantly freezing or feeling a bit sluggish?

Bring your computer to LPC and we will diagnose your PC to determine if your hardware is failing, or if your issues can be resolved by repairing or reinstalling Microsoft Windows.
Microsoft Windows Repair

With luck, your computer troubles can be resolved by repairing Windows. Below are just a few of the issues that we can typically fix via Windows repair:

Windows won’t start or load properly.
Programs crash frequently or running slow.
Windows is constantly freezing, blue screening, or throwing errors.
You can no longer download or install updates via Windows Update.

Microsoft Windows Re-installation

If your system is beyond repair, wiping everything and re-installing Windows will quickly restore your computer to its original condition.

In the event that we re-install Windows, we will:

Backup your existing data (installed software NOT included).
Perform a clean install of Microsoft Windows (erasing everything).
Install the latest updates & patches from Microsoft (to make sure the OS is current).
Restore all of your data (documents, pictures, music, etc.).
Test your computer to make sure everything is in working order.

Call us at (859) 576-5907or contact us

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