Computer Service

Lexington PC Clinic is one stop for all your computer repair! We offer Computer Service:

Laptop repair, Desktop Repair, Virus Removal, Malware Removal, BSoD, Windows Repair and Reinstall, Slow Computer, Diagnostics, Hardware-software upgradeData Backup and Recovery

BSoD (Bluescreen Of Death)

We can diagnose & repair computers.

Windows Repair and Reinstall

Sometimes all you need to do is repair or reinstall OS

Slow Computer

Have you noticed a significant decrease in your computer’s performance?

Malware and Virus Removal

We can help you put a data backup plan in place or even recover data after disaster strikes.

Hardware and software Upgrades

A hardware or software upgrade will allow your aging computer to regain its former glory.

Data Backup & Recovery

We can help you put a data backup plan in place or even recover data..

Computer Diagnostics

Our computer diagnostic services will determine what repairs need…
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